Yeah. I was so happy, when I found out, that one of my design is in the shortlist of the Black & White competition of tigerprint. Here is my design: Juchhuu, mein Black & White design ist eins von 85 Designs, die aus fast 1400 Designs ausgewählt wurde. Es macht doch immer wieder Spaß bei … Read More
Great news
The showcase of the module 3 students is online on If you like to see my design, take a look here. Also the winner of the ABSPD Testimonial Competition is online on Rachel Taylors Blog and my design is shown on her page. I am really happy
Ja, auch mich hat es erwischt, ich bin im Plotterfieber. Seit ein paar Wochen besitze ich ein Silhouette Portrait. Ich habe immer schon davon geträumt, so ein Schneidegerät zu besitzen. Man kann damit so viel schneiden: Papier, Karton, Stoff, Flex-und Flockfolie zum Aufbügeln, Vinylfolie,… Natürlich habe ich sofort mal ein paar Motive erstellt und das … Read More
I’ve got a gift
Letztes Jahr habe ich beim Kurs von der Designerin Rachel Taylor mitgemacht. Vor einigen Tagen kam noch ein kleines Geschenk ins Haus geflattert. Wunderschöne Postkarten, die von Rachel Taylor illustriert worden sind. Last year I prticipated on the course of designer Rachel Taylor. Some days ago, I obtained my gift: Some wonderful designed cards
Happy Valentine’s day
new design: feather
I like feather. They are light, sometimes colorful, have different forms, long or short. So I thaught a pattern of feather would be nice. It seems there are a lot of other designer with the same idea. It is nice to see all the different pattern of feather. Here is mine:
News – competitions – opportunities
Yippieh, the last test is written and it is over. I’m so happy. Now I have more time for my illustrations. This is a good time to show you my wedding invitations. I’ve made them for a competition on minted and everyone can vote for them. Also I wanted to share with you a good … Read More
christmas cards
Yes, Christmas is coming. One more time, I designed some Christmas cards. I had a lot of fun. I changed the style of the cards to make them different (and also because my mom don’t like the bird so I decided to make the candle for my mom)
pillow designs – competition
New competition: ohh deer searchs for pillow designs. Here are mine:
floral design
I just want to share my submissions for the homebase competition