yeah. My package is there. It came on christmas. And I’m so happy. It should have arrived about 2 month ago…. But now I have it, my book. Luna. A book about vampires, whitches, magic, friendship and courage. Written by the author Céline Thomas-deMoncuit (LaBaronnette) illustrated by me published by édition belcastel
Coming together for christmas
This month again: the tigerprint competition. The best theme of this time is christmas and so I made this pictures The one with the stars and the one with the snowman are pattern . So you can use them for giftwraps, fabrics… The Merry Christmas pictures are greeting cards,…
writing christmas cards
Every year I write christmas cards to my friends and nice people. Yes I make it per hand. I think it is more personal What do you think about writing christmas cards.Do you make it per hand or online?
comic exhibition
Some weeks ago, I was on a exhibition of comics. But it wasn’t about comics like batman or spiderman. The comics are about artists like Picasso or Hundertwasser. And the author and illustrator who makes this little books is my friend Willi Blöss. He won the price for the best biographies this year. You can … Read More
thread, needle and paper
I took my needle and a thread and a piece of paper. This is was came out:
Happy Halloween
black & white
every month there is a competition on the blog of tigerprint. The theme of october was black and white. Do you want to know what I submitted? Take a look:
new illustrations for the gallery – in preparation
Artikel über Luna
Some words in german: Vor kurzem ist das Buch Luna über einen Vampir, der eine Hexe sein will, erschienenl. Seit heute ist das Magazine iMAGine online zu lesen. Darin ist ein Artikel über das Buch und Interviews von der Verlegerin Sabine Diallo (édition Belcastel) der Autorin Céline Thomas-Demoncuit und mir zu finden. Wenn ihr … Read More